Invigorating Homemade Facial

facial ivybridge harmony beauty

Invigorating Homemade Facial

Simple yet effective on the skin!

harmony beauty treatments

Brightening Oaty Scrub


- 1tbsp rice flour ( ferulic acid and allantoin, light reflective agents)

- 1 tbsp rolled oats (anti-oxidant, ant-inflammatory, rich in lipids and protein)

- 3 tbsp olive oil

- 3 drops lavender

- 3 drops tea tree

- 1 tbsp fresh rosemary herb


- In a small blender or by hand with a mortis and pestle, blend the oats and rosemary until fine.

- Transfer into a bowl and mix in the rest of the ingredients.

- Place in a air tight container or mason jar and stool in a cupboard for 1 month.

* it is recommended to use this scrub on your face at least once a week, so you don’t over stimulate the skin.*

harmony beauty holistic therapies ivybridge

Banana Masque


- Half banana

- 2 tbsp natural yoghurt or coconut cream

- 1 tsp honey


- In a small belender, blitz up all the ingredients until smooth

- Apply the whole amount to the face using either your finger tips or a foundation brush

- Leave on for 10-15 minutes

- Wipe away with a warm flannel

* Skin test first on the forearm if you have any sensitivities or allergies. if the skin becomes sore, swollen or itchy then this tea bag must be avoided.*


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Soothing honey cleanser


- Runny honey

- bowl of warm water

- face cloth or sponge


- Splash your face with warm water.

- Apply the honey to your finger tips and work into the T-zone in circular motions and then in to the rest of the face.
- Leave on for 1 minute

- wash of with either a damp cloth or sponge to remove the honey from the face.

devon aromatherapy harmony beauty

Aroma Steam


-medium size bowl

- boiling hot water

- hand towel

- 1 drop tea tree

- 1 drop lavender

- 1 drop eucalyptus


- Half full a medium sized bowl of boiling hot water

- add the drops of oil to the bowl

- place the towel over your head and lean down facing the steam

- take some deep breaths in to inhale the vapours and feel the steam on your face for 10 minutes

harmony beauty skincare devon

Lemon toner


- Juice of 1 lemon

- 1 cup bottled water


- squeeze a whole lemon and add 1 cup of.water to a water spray

- store in the fridge for freshness

- spray 30 cm away from the face

facial skincare ivybridge devon

Face oil


- 2 tbsp coconut/avocado oil

- 1 drop lavender

- 1 drop neroli

- 1 drop rose


- Apply all the above ingredients into a small bowl

- work small amounts at a time with the tips of your fingers and dab all over the face, do not rub. Leave to soak in naturally

devon beauty therapy

Homecare Facial Routine

- Remove any eye makeup with a eye makeup remover

- Check your skin in natural ambient light for black, heads, spots, open pores, dry skin, broken or sensitive areas to see where the concern areas areas are

- Cleanse

- Tone

- Scrub

- Steam

- Mask

- Tone

- Face oil

- Moisturise with one specific for your skin type

* Make sure you include the lips, neck and decollate area as well as the face.*

*You don’t need to pat dry between each step, just leave the skin to dry naturally for 10-20 seconds.*

* A face mask should be applied at least once a month and exfoliate twice/three times a week.*